Rage Prayer for the Ulvade Shooting, May 24th 2022
God of peace,
Once again, we find ourselves in the shadow of gun violence, praying to you.
Our bodies, minds, and spirits are filled with rage and anguish.
Your beloved children, our beloved children, have been victims of violence that cannot be undone – and we pray for their comfort and rest in your endless love.
Be with those who weep most deeply this night: the parents and loved ones of those whose lives were stolen this day. May their grief be met with your tenderness and your presence. May none grieve alone.
Be with all of us as we bear along side these families – this unbearable pain. As you witnessed the death of your son, so too do we witness these deaths, and we despair at the unceasing violence and hate that courses through the world.
May our lament, and anguish, that feels uncontainable, burn into something new: a spirit of justice and peace, that does not settle for the world as it is, but envisions the kingdom of God as you have promised, and as you’ve equipped us here and now to make real.
Let our tears plant deep the seeds of this kingdom, of peace and justice, where we create for us and all your children, the world of peace as you have promised, and as we are called to build.
May we remember that one who was and is and is to come, and know the hope of that coming, even in the despair of this moment.
In your loving name, Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit, we pray: Amen